:one: Packing
To prevent bruising during shipment, fruits, and vegetables should be packaged in hygienic, durable boxes or plastic crates with lots of cushioning.
:two: The right shipping containers
Reefer containers are ideal for shipping fruits and vegetables, they control the temperature of goods to prevent the growth of bacteria. That can cause the fruits and vegetables to spoil, and at high temperatures, bacteria can grow very quickly.
:three: Shipping and transit time
You have to be aware of the shelf life of the vegetables and the fruit.
And if having to worry about all these steps is complicated for you, ACS will handle your fresh fruits and vegetables from A to Z.
Learn more about our logistics services.
ASC Logistics Co.
Your Target Is Our Mission
:round_pushpin: Our Location
58 Elbaharya St., Front of Alexandria Terminal Port 10, Elgomrok, Alexandria, Egypt
:telephone_receiver: Contact Us:
•Tel: +2(03)48 10 215 || +2(03)48 11 413 ||
• 1211123740
:mailbox_with_no_mail: Email: info@acslogco.com ||